Arby's apologizes after offensive words appear on sign in Brooklyn Center, Minn.

The sign above an Arby’s restaurant in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota reportedly contained a racist and a sexist word on it, prompting a police investigation. 

Photos submitted by Fox 9 viewers showed the sign, which read “Now Hiring” across the top. Underneath that line, however, a racial slur and a sexist word were both displayed. 

Arby’s responded to multiple disgruntled customers Saturday on its customer service Twitter page, calling the sign’s makeup offensive.

Here is the statement given to Twitter users who tweeted at Arby’s Guest Support account @ArbysCares:

Overnight, our reader board was compromised & someone put up a message that was extremely offensive. The message has since been taken down. We’re cooperating with local law enforcement officials and will take appropriate action against those involved.
