Meet the St. Paul Saints' 2017 mascot: Alternative Fats | FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

Meet the St. Paul Saints' 2017 mascot: Alternative Fats

The St. Paul Saints have chosen "Alternative Fats" as the name of their live pig mascot for the 2017 season. 

The name was inspired by the current presidential administration. Earlier this year, Kellyanne Conway, one of President Donald Trump's advisors, told Meet the Press' Chuck Todd that Press Secretary Sean Spicer used “alternative facts” in his first briefing with the White House Press Corps. 

According to the Saints, Alternative Fats will go down as one of the "greatest mascot names in the history of sports, and we know a thing or two about great sports." 

“Alternative Fats will enter the field each game like no other pig before him, with a white ground covering draped from his mansion-style pigpen to home plate for the billions of Saints fans to shower him with love and admiration,” the Saints said in a statement. “Alternative Fats will be so HUUUUGE it will make all other pigs jealous."

Alternative Fats was selected out of 4,124,862 name suggestions submitted by Saints fans. The winning entry was submitted by Daniel Jones of Northfield. 

Names that didn’t make the cut included Mary Tyler Boar, Super Boar LII, Boar’d of Trump, Ham Jong Un and Pigimir Putin. 

The Saints have had a live pig mascot for the past 24 seasons, each with a unique name. Last year’s mascot, Little Red Porkette, was a nod to late music icon Prince. Other past names have included Mackleboar, Boarack Ohama, Slumhog Millionaire,  Notorious P.I.G. – Piggy Smalls and Kevin Bacon.

Alternative Fats will make his debut at the Saints home opener at CHS Field on Thursday.