Minnesotans can use non-REAL ID driver's licenses through October | FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

Minnesotans can use non-REAL ID driver's licenses through October

Minnesotans can continue to use their current driver's licenses for boarding commercial airplanes and other federal purposes through October 10, 2018. 

REAL ID requirements for most states went into effect on Jan. 22, but Minnesota received an extension through next October.

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety Driver and Vehicle Services vision are working to make REAL ID compliant driver's licenses before the October deadline. The state has hired Colorado-based information technology firm FAST Enterprises to develop a new driver services system that will produce REAL ID compliant driver's licenses. 

DPS will release more information on how to obtain a REAL ID compliant driver's license on their website and Facebook page

Minnesota is the last state to meet the stricter federal ID standards. After two years of fighting about state’s rights, privacy and drivers’ licenses for undocumented workers, lawmakers finally reached a deal last May to get the state in compliance.