Security guard stabbed by alleged shoplifter at Cub Foods in Coon Rapids, Minn. | FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

Security guard stabbed by alleged shoplifter at Cub Foods in Coon Rapids, Minn.

A loss prevention officer at Cub Foods in Coon Rapids, Minnesota was stabbed while trying to stop a shoplifting suspect Sunday afternoon. 

Around 2 p.m., a 30-year-old man tried to steal several items from the Cub Foods on Riverdale Drive. When the officer attempted to stop the suspect, a "scuffle" ensued and the suspect stabbed him in the shoulder, Capt. Jon Urquhart of the Coon Rapids Police Department said. 

Bystanders intervened and held the suspect down until police arrived. The loss prevention officer was transported to Mercy Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. 

"We're glad that people were not hurt worse than what occurred," Urquhart said. "Shoplifting of what really comes down to less than $20 worth of goods was not really worth doing this." 

The suspect was taken into custody. He is being held for aggravated assault and aggravated robbery.