From golf ball-sized to grapefruit-sized, hail slams parts of Twin Cities metro | FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

From golf ball-sized to grapefruit-sized, hail slams parts of Twin Cities metro

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Golf-ball to even grapefruit-sized hail came down quickly as a storm moved across the Twin Cities metro Monday afternoon. 

Watertown, which is west of the metro in Carver County, saw tennis ball-sized hall, causing damage to several vehicles.

Delano also saw its fair share of hail, with some measuring even four inches in diameter, such as those captured by viewer Lindsay Van Bergen.

Near Delano, Rob Hudson kept the evidence in a bucket in his garage freezer. He said when the hail hit his home, it sounded like it was coming right through the roof.

When the storm was over, he collected the hail from his yard, stunned to find no damage at all.

“Before we could get in the basement, I heard what sounded like bombs going off on the roof…and I looked outside, and I’ve never seen hail that big in my life. I was kind of stunned, and I didn’t know what it was at first. I thought it was debris, and I said, ‘oh my god, that’s hail,’” he said.

Viewers also shared photos of hail falling in Ham Lake, Maple Grove, Brooklyn Park, Plymouth and more.

In Osseo, crews documented the marks in wet cement left by huge pieces of hail, with some measuring four inches in diameter!

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