12 other universities join North Central in creating a George Floyd Memorial Scholarship
North Central University President Scott Hagan announces the George Floyd Memorial Scholarship at Floyd's funeral service last week.
MINNEAPOLIS (FOX 9) - North Central University has formally established the first George Floyd Memorial Scholarship after announcing its creation at Floyd’s funeral service at the university last week and more than 12 other universities have started their own, too.
University President Scott Hagan announced the scholarship would be geared toward educating aspiring young black American leaders and challenged all other American universities to establish their own.
North Central University announces George Floyd Memorial Scholarship
The President of North Central University announced the scholarship in George Floyd's name and challenged all other American universities to do the same. He says more than $53,000 has been donated to the university already.
“Far beyond North Central University, I am now challenging every university president in the United States of America to establish your own George Floyd Memorial Scholarship Fund, so people across this nation can give to the college of their choice,” Hagan said.
So far, 12 other universities have committed to creating their own George Floyd Memorial Scholarships including the University of Minnesota Winona State University, Alabama State and Missouri State. Both Yale University and the University of Arizona have expressed interest in starting similar scholarships, according to North Central and other schools in Oregon, Texas and Louisiana have reached out to North Central about starting their own, too.
The University of Minnesota scholarship is for "undergraduate students whose identities are underrepresented at the University of Minnesota, or undergraduate students whose studies focus on racial and social justice," according to its website.
At North Central, $53,000 were committed to the scholarship fund before Hagan's formal announcement.
Those wishing to donate to North Central’s George Floyd Memorial Scholarship Fund may visit northcentral.edu/georgefloydfund.
Here is the full list of schools who have announced George Floyd Memorial Scholarships:
- Missouri State
- Southeast Missouri State
- University of Minnesota
- Ohio University
- Oakwood University
- SUNY Buffalo State College
- University of Memphis
- Alabama State University
- Winona State University
- Concord University
- Le Moyne – Owen College
- North Central University