5-year-old trick-or-treater struck, killed by car in north Minneapolis

A 5-year-old boy was killed while trick-or-treating near Memorial Parkway and Knox Ave North in Minneapolis after he was hit by a car on Saturday around 9:30 p.m.

A group of children were out trick-or-treating along with their adult chaperones when witnesses say a car swerved to avoid the group but was unable to avoid the child.

"The child went out into the lane of travel and was struck by a vehicle. subsequently became pinned under that vehicle," Minneapolis police spokesman John Elder said. 

The boy was transported to North Memorial where he later died, his name has not yet been released.

Rachel Kurtz, who lives only yards from where the tragedy took place, said the streets were full of trick-or-treaters at the time.

"There's just tons of trick-or-treaters all along this street and lots of groups that come through and it's a nice street a nice neighborhood," Kurtz said.

It does not appear that drugs of alcohol were a factor and the driver is cooperating with investigators.