After bear sightings, students in northern Minnesota told not to walk to school

The Clearwater County Sheriff's Office is asking parents not to let their children walk to school after bears were sighted in the area. (Photo credit: Clearwater County Sheriff's Office) 

Parents in northern Minnesota are being asked not to let their children walk to school after several bears were sighted in the area. 

The Clearwater County Sheriff's Office said bears have been spotted at the intersection of Clearwater Lake Road and 169th Avenue, also known as County Road 5, in front of the Clearbrook-Gonvick School in Clearbrook. Coincidentally, the school's mascot is a bear. 

The school is asking parents not to have students walk to or from school through that intersection until further notice. 

The sheriff's office, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Clearbrok-Gonvick Police Department are monintoring the bears. 
