Alexandria mom makes 'miracle' recovery after December house fire

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An Alexandria mom is lucky to be alive after suffering some horrific injuries in a house fire.

Emergency crews rescued Amanda Scott from the flames last December.

“I just remember going to sleep - the next thing you know, I’m in the hospital,” she said.

What happened to Amanda in between is the stuff of nightmares.

“It was terrible,” said Angie Burkhalter, Amanda’s sister. “I’d never seen anything like it. It was like a horror movie. The stuff you see in scary movies.”

Amanda was at home with her three daughters and two other children when their Alexandria house erupted in fire.

The five kids made it out safely, but Amanda did not.

Firefighters found her in the front hallway just feet from the door.

FIRST REPORT: 5 children escape Alexandria fire, mom found unresponsive

“There’s a big strip right here,” said Amanda, pointing out her burns. “On my back and neck, comes around here, middle of my back. My arm’s fully burnt except for some splotches.”

Amanda was in a medically induced coma for three weeks to help her body heal.

Angie was afraid she’d never get her sister back.

“Very worried,” she said. “The first couple days were touch and go.”

Amanda, stubborn, fought like a champ and pulled through for her three young daughters.

Six weeks after the blaze, she was discharged. Now, she's going to physical and occupational therapy five days a week.

“A miracle,” said Angie. “Definitely a miracle. Never seen anything like it.”

“I feel like I’m in my body, but definitely different,” said Amanda. “I feel remade.”

Amanda says she started to cry when she first got back to her home and saw all the destruction. She finally got the opportunity to thank the emergency crews who saved her life earlier this week.

“It was crazy,” said Amanda. “It was very nice. Excited. Usually they say it’s a victim, not someone who survives that they pull out. I was fortunate.”

As her house is gutted for a complete restoration, Amanda and her family wanted to thank the community for all of the support.

They lost almost everything in the fire, but people stepped up with cash, household goods, clothing as well as Christmas presents. Her daughters were still able to have a holiday, while their mom was hospitalized in the Twin Cities.

“The community pulled together,” said Amanda. “Very grateful for what was done. Kids would be without a backpack now if not for them.”

Amanda has undergone a myriad of skin grafts and surgical procedures.

She says her youngest daughter is having a hard time with her new appearance, but everyone agrees, it sure beats the alternative.

“She’s going have some scars,” said Angie. “That’s normal. And they always say, scars make you stronger. A few scars are better than any other option - not being here. Very blessed.”