Assisted living facilities prepare to vaccinate residents and staff

Most long term care facilities will rely on pharmaceutical partners like Walgreens and CVS to come administer the vaccine to residents and staff.

"I believe that we will either have it by the end of the year or early part of January I would guess," founder of The Moments memory care in Lakeville, Elizabeth Wright, said.

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Assisted living facilities prepare to vaccinate residents and staff

Most long term care facilities will rely on pharmaceutical partners like Walgreens and CVS to come administer the vaccine to residents and staff.

Wright explains that she is waiting on word from their pharmacy partner, CVS, to confirm the dates they will send trained professionals to the facility to start vaccinating residents and staff. She says they will schedule three dates to ensure that everyone will be able to get the first and second dose.

"We’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel," Wright said.

She says she’s hoping visitors will be welcomed back inside the facility, still with some guidelines, as early as this spring.

"What I’m really looking forward to most is that day where we can get back to normal and we can have family members come in," Wright said.

In a statement, CVS says Minnesota and Wisconsin are among the 36 states where they hope to start administering vaccinations as soon as Monday.