Avian influenza confirmed in Minnesota turkey flock — the first case since spring 2023

Avian influenza has been confirmed in a commercial turkey flock in Meeker County, marking the first case in Minnesota since spring 2023.

The Minnesota Board of Animal Health on Wednesday said the flock of 140,000 birds tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). The site has been quarantined and the birds at the site have been euthanized to help prevent the spread of the disease. 

"Unfortunately, HPAI seems to keep popping up during the seasonal migrations in Minnesota," said State Veterinarian Dr. Brian Hoefs. "Before today’s detection our most recent cases were in the spring of this year. Anyone who has poultry should take this detection as a clear sign to keep a close eye on their flock and initiate your strongest biosecurity practices."

Poultry producers and those who own backyard flocks should contact their veterinarian right away if they see signs of symptoms of avian flu, including sudden death, difficulty breathing, decrease in food and water intake, and a decrease in egg production. 

Animal health officials say biosecurity is critical in stopping the spread of this and other diseases. 

Poultry is still safe to eat. It's advised to cook poultry and eggs to an internal temperature of 165 degrees.