Family: Boy, 10, shot in Minneapolis in April now breathing on his own

Ten-year-old Ladavionne Garrett, Jr. is fighting for his life after getting shot in the head in Minneapolis in April 2021. (Family)

A young boy, who was shot in the head in Minneapolis earlier this year, is showing more signs of progress amid his recovery process.

According to social media posts from his grandmother, Ladavionne Garrett, Jr. is now breathing on his own, has blinked his eyes, and was able to swallow in recent days. 

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$180,000 reward offered in shooting of 3 children in Minneapolis

The reward for information on the three children shot in Minneapolis has been increased to $180,000 as officials and family members continue to plead for answers.

Ladavionne was shot on April 30 while riding in a vehicle with his parents near the intersection of N 35th Avenue and Morgan Avenue North. Since then, he's been receiving treatment and faced multiple surgeries.

The 10-year-old boy was one of three young children shot in Minneapolis within the span of several weeks. Aniya Allen, 6, and Trinity Ottoson-Smith, 9, both died from their injuries.

Earlier this month, authorities announced a $180,000 reward for information that will lead to arrests in the shootings of the three children. Tips can be called in at 1-800-222-8477 or submitted online at