Buick frozen in White Bear Lake goes viral on social media
Buick stuck frozen in White Bear Lake
A viral video is going around on social media of a Buick stuck in the ice at White Bear Lake. It has been nearly a month and its still there while fish swim around it.
WHITE BEAR LAKE, Min - A viral video is going around on social media of a Buick stuck in the ice at White Bear Lake. It has been nearly a month, and it's still there while fish swim around it.
Buick frozen at White Bear Lake
What we know:
Anglers sat by the Buick and fished. They had their lines down right by its bumper. They even have a finder showing the fish under the car.
What's left of the Buick
What the anglers see:
"The front end of the car is actually on the bottom of the of the lake," said Karl Erickson of Urban Ice Anglers.
Only the front half of the Buick fell into White Bear Lake. The bumper is sticking up out of the frozen water.
"I took a little pitcher sitting there fishing on it, and we fished next to it today and caught a couple of bluegills," said Erickson.
Going viral on Instagram
Buick turns viral:
Erickson has been back to White Bear Lake multiple times, making videos on Instagram to show people the frozen car. So far his videos have generated more than a million views.
"I went and took a look at it, and kind of made a little video around what I found," said Erickson.
The Buick found in the ice
What they're saying:
Erickson found the Buick about two weeks ago. With the recent cold snap, it may be some time before the car can be removed from White Bear Lake.
"They said, it had been there a week, and now it's been so cold over the weeks since then that it's, it's that bumper is frozen solid," said Erickson.
Now Erickson wonders how anyone can pull the Buick out of the lake with the ice thick enough for cars to drive on.
"I've been kind of watching because I'd like to see the process because I think it's a pretty complex process," said Erickson.
Safety first
If you head to White Bear Lake to see the Buick, there are thin ice signs around it, so be careful. There’s no word yet on when it could potentially be removed.