Tenants of Columbia Heights apartment voice concern over auto-pay rent requirement

Tenants say a change in ownership at Columbia Heights’ Parkview Apartments has brought with it financial uncertainty, after they were informed the building now requires all tenants to pay rent through an auto-pay arrangement.

"It’s limiting access and putting undue burdens on people," tenant Deja Smith told FOX 9. "I have reached out to the Minnesota Attorney General. And some other neighbors have as well."

Speaking for her neighbors, Smith says some renters receive rental assistance checks; and some do not have bank accounts.

"What do we do if we can’t pay our rent? It seems like a manipulative way to evict everyone, considering this is a low-income property, predominantly black," Smith said.

"It often creates hardship for tenants, especially in situations where maybe they don’t have an opportunity to have direct deposit from a bank account," HOME Line housing attorney Rachael Sterling said.

However, Sterling says the practice does not necessarily violate state law.

"Is there currently a law that says how landlords need to allow tenants to pay the rent? No. Could there be in the future? Maybe," Sterling finished. 

HousingColumbia Heights