Diamond Reynolds to plead not guilty to assault | FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

Diamond Reynolds to plead not guilty to assault

Diamond Reynolds, the girlfriend of Philando Castile, who streamed his killing live on Facebook, plans to plead not guilty to assault charges, according to her attorney.

Reynolds was released from the Ramsey County Jail Monday night after posting $20,000 bail, with conditions that she not have contact with her co-defendants or the victim in the case. Reynolds is charged with second and third degree assault. 

According to the criminal charges, Reynolds violently assaulted a woman with a hammer on February 28 in the area of 1554 Jessamine Lane in St. Paul. Two co-defendants, Dyamond Richardson and Chnika Blair also participated in the assault by pulling the woman's hair and spraying her with bear mace. Reynolds also allegedly smashed the windshield of the victim's car with the hammer.

The motive for the assault is believed to be a running feud between the women. 

A Ramsey County Judge said in court that Diamond Reynolds "doesn't have any criminal history to speak of." 

But FOX 9 has learned that is not the case. In October of 2008, Diamond Reynolds and members of her family allegedly assaulted a family friend they suspected of stealing. According to the police reports, Reynolds punched the man several times and slammed his head against the floor. Reynolds was arrested, but was not charged in that case.

Reynolds' cousin, Taylor Gordon IV, carried out most of the violent attack in 2008. Gordon also allegedly sodomized the victim with a candle. He was charged with criminal sexual conduct, but plea bargained the case to assault in the third degree. He was sentenced to 21 months in prison.

Reynolds' next court appearance is April 3.