Driver who lost crash-causing Lily Pad on I-94 comes forward | FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

Driver who lost crash-causing Lily Pad on I-94 comes forward

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The driver of a black SUV whose rolled up Aqua Lily Pad fell from the back of a boat and into the path of a motorcycle on Interstate 94 in Woodbury, Minn. has contacted the Minnesota State Patrol. Kyle Gunderson, 35, of Menominee, Wis. called the State Patrol once he realized it was his unsecured load that caused the June 18 crash.

Dashcam video captured 20-year-old Brendan Jankowski of Hudson, Wis. taking a terrifying tumble after his motorcycle hit the Aqua Lily Pad that fell onto the pavement. The dashcam video, captured by Linda Leverty, was shared on YouTube and Facebook and has since been viewed more than 300,000 times.

“I didn’t want to just swerve and possibly hit a car and get run over so I tried to get to the furthest part of the right of my lane,” said Jankowski. “I checked to see if the [next] lane was clear, and you know the rest.”

Gunderson is cooperating with the State Patrol and the investigation into the crash continues. 

Jankowski was wearing a helmet and motorcycle jacket when the object fell of the back of the boat. He says he just bought the jacket within an hour of the crash, and was saving up for the pants and gloves.

“I just bought the jacket that day thinking I’d come back next week and get the gear and have the full set,” Jankowski said. “I happened to use the jacket I just bought to help save me quite a bit of pain.”

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