The warm days of summer, that stretched into fall, may have extended that happy feeling for outdoor enthusiasts, but that same warmth has sent the wrong message to trees across the region. Monday's cold front did not only lower our temperatures but it also raised our hopes for what is mostly likely going to be a burst of color across the North Star and Badger states.
The idea set up for brilliant fall colors in the Upper west consists of three important factors. The first step in creating a bright portrait of Autumn comes from the preceding months. Lots of moisture from months of steady rains has fueled the process of stacking the trees with as many healthy leaves as possible. The state of Minnesota has been drought free for months.
The second step in creating the best possible set up is a slow and steady cool down. Our cold front on Monday has ushered in the fall air. Now a series of high pressures will maintain an extended period of sunny days and calm crisp nights with little wind to stir up trouble.
days and cool calm nights.
Last but not least, the shorter amounts of daylight now that we have hit the Autumn equinox has signaled to the trees that its ok to let go of summer and prepare for winter with less than 12 hours of daylight and counting.
Now that we finally have all three in place there is nothing to hold back the explosion of fall color across the Upper Midwest. We would love to see your weather photos! Please email them to