Gov. Walz sends National Guard to help with flooding in southern MN

Governor Tim Walz has declared a peacetime emergency and called in the National Guard to help with flooding in southern Minnesota after heavy rainfall over the past week.

Le Sueur County, particularly the City of Waterville, has been hit hard with 14-18 inches of rainfall, which the governor's office says has put local lakes and the Cannon River at "uncontrollable" water levels.

Some residents have been evacuated and the flooding has already caused significant damage.

The Le Sueur Sheriff's Office had requested help from the National Guard to help with logistics and operations support, the state says. Local and county crews have been working for days to combat the flooding but the governor's office says the weekend rain increased the need for extra manpower.

"Across the state, intense rain has had catastrophic effects. Flooding has left entire communities under feet of water, causing severe damage to property and numerous road closures. As flooding continues, the National Guard is ready to step up to help our neighbors," said Governor Walz. "Their response will provide invaluable support that will be critical in ensuring the safety of Minnesotans during this difficult time."