Homeless man during El Niño shares his personal story | FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

Homeless man during El Niño shares his personal story

Freddie Aguilar is 48 years old and living on the street. He was taking cover from the rain today at a tiny strip mall in Sunland. I had a conversation with him about the weather and asked how he ended up homeless. This is what Freddie said:

"I’m living on the street because my girl died of cancer of the uterus in 2012. When she was sick, I wasn’t going to leave her in the hospital for two months battling the disease that she had. I lost everything because of her and I didn’t care. It was all material stuff, the one thing I miss is her. I would have sold my soul to the devil for her, that’s how much I loved her. Her name was Flor Marlene Bryant. When you lose material things, it’s just material things but when you lose somebody you love, it hurts more than anything.”

Watch the full video above.

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