How Minnesotans can help one another during COVID-19 outbreak

A crew prepares food for Meals on Wheels amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

Although Minnesotans have been asked to practice social distancing amid the COVID-19 pandemic, residents across the state are finding ways to help one another through this difficult time.

Gov. Walz ordered all K-12 schools to close and, on Monday, the governor ordered all bars and restaurants to suspend dine-in operations. Walz’s executive action also shutters theaters, museums, fitness centers and bowling alleys across the state.

In the face of all this, residents and businesses have found ways to make the best of a bad situation.


As students stay home from school, several restaurants across the state are providing free lunches for kids. Many school districts have also made special arrangements to make sure kids get lunch, including St. Paul Public Schools.

Additionally, a group of local establishments have joined forces to donate kitchens and chefs to help cook meals for those in need.

Loaves and Fishes is also staying open, but switching to take-away meals.


Older adults are at a higher risk of getting sick from coronavirus, and there are resources to help them as they spend more time at home.

However, some of those organizations - such as Meals on Wheels - are facing challenges, as well. The company has been busy as more seniors opt to stay home. They depend on volunteers to help deliver thousands of meals each day, but while the need is growing, volunteer numbers are not. To volunteer, click here.

Meanwhile, many stores, including Lunds & Byerly's and Target, have set a specific hour exclusively for those more vulnerable, including the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.

Similarly, Roseville Police shared a photo Tuesday showing a strong turnout during the Flash Food Drive. During the food drive, volunteers prepared grocery deliveries for 138 homes in the community. Families in need of items can email for more information.

Roseville police and volunteers arranged a food drive to help the community during the COVID-19 outbreak. (Roseville Police)


Many are worried about blood shortages as blood drives are getting canceled over concerns surrounding COVID-19. Memorial Blood Centers of St. Paul said 23 blood drives were canceled as schools close and businesses restrict access amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you are feeling healthy and well and meet the general eligibility guidelines to donate blood, you can schedule your donation at