Hundreds protest Dakota Access Pipeline in St. Paul, Minn.

Several hundred people gathered at Mears Park in St. Paul, Minnesota,Tuesday afternoon and marched to the local U.S. Army Corps of Engineers office to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline. 

The demonstration was one of more than 200 rallies taking place at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers offices and other sites across the country as part of a national day of action against the proposed pipeline.

On Monday, the Army of Corps of Engineers announced they have completed their review of the controversial pipeline, but believe “additional discussion and analysis are warranted” before they can make a decision on whether to allow the pipeline to cross under a Missouri River reservoir in North Dakota.

The Army Corps of Engineers currently has a volunteer hold on the pipeline’s construction on or under Corps land.

During Tuesday’s protests, demonstrators once again called on President Barack Obama to reject the Dakota Access Pipeline while he’s still in office.

READ NEXT: Minnesota deputies leave Dakota Access pipeline protest