Jennifer Walch
Jennifer spent her first few years at FOX 9 working on the Morning News; now she produces and reports for FOX 9 + News at 7pm. She’s quite the traveler, and did a whirlwind tour of Europe in the summer of 2017. She and her crew hit 8 countries in 17 days! Jennifer likes to cook as well. She says she’s still working to perfect an omelet, but she’s confident her chili recipe is one of the best you’ll ever taste. Don’t ask Jenn to share it, though. We’ve tried.
9 Questions for Jennifer:
What’s your favorite movie? Dirty Dancing.
What’s your favorite junk/cheat food? Chips and Queso and/or a Fountain Diet Coke with Peanut M&Ms
What was your first job? Picking up sticks in the back yard.
Favorite story?
I wanted to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz when I was growing up. While covering the Judy Garland Festival in Grand Rapids, MN, I had the opportunity to interview Jerry Maren of the Lollipop Guild. He was the munchkin who handed Dorothy a giant lollipop when she arrived in munchkin land. He sang for me a solo rendition of “The Lollipop Guild.”
Who is your personal hero? Lynn Reifenberger-Walch. She is my soul-sister, best friend, and most intuitive woman I know.
Do you sing in the shower, in the car, or none of the above? Oh, I also dance when I sing in these places.
Current pet and name: Finnegan. He’s a lhasa apso bichon and a real-life teddy bear.
Favorite Minnesota season: Fall
When I was little, I wanted to grow up to be: A teacher.