Kaler: 'Less than 5' new complaints against Norwood Teague

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In a Wednesday morning interview on Minnesota Public Radio, University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler said “a small number of additional complaints” of sexual harassment involving former athletics director Norwood Teague have been reported. Kaler said the number of new complaints was “less than 5.”

“We're in the process of investigating those and we will ask the external counsel that we brought on board to also look into that,” Kaler said.

Listen to the interview at mprnews.org

Norwood Teague resigned on Thursday, Aug. 6 after being accused of sexually harassing two high-ranking university employees during a senior leadership retreat to Breezy Point in July. He apologized for his behavior and said he was seeking treatment for an alcohol problem.

“This behavior neither reflects my true character nor the values of the university,” Teague said in a statement. “I am extremely proud of our accomplishments during my tenure here, and I don’t want my personal life to impact the university’s reputation. I have taken immediate steps to obtain help with my alcohol issues, and I take full responsibility for my actions.”

Kaler statement in response to MPR interview

"The University has been asked about complaints or charges against Norwood Teague received since Friday, August 7, 2015. We can confirm that additional reports have been received in relation to Mr. Teague through the University’s EthicsPoint system. The outside counsel in charge of the independent review is tasked with the review and any appropriate follow up regarding these complaints. Not all reports allege the same conduct, but the University cannot provide further information about their contents. In fairness to those who have reported and others who may do so, and to not jeopardize the external review, the University will not be commenting further."