Lakeville schools ID student behind racist graffiti written on bathroom stall

Lakeville South High School officials have identified the student responsible for racist graffiti found on a bathroom stall, according to a statement released on Tuesday.

According to the district, the student “will be subject to disciplinary action under school and district policy.”

The student has significant special education needs, the release said.

Lakeville Area Public Schools wrote that “while this does not excuse the student’s actions, the District believes it will help the community and others put this incident into perspective.”

On Monday, students observed writing in the bathroom that contained racist rhetoric toward African-Americans, including phrases like "Hail the KKK," and also included a swastika.

The district also wrote: “This incident was very unfortunate and certainly does not reflect the values of our community and LSHS. The District does, however, view this as a teachable moment for our students and staff. To foster that, LSHS has created a plan to facilitate conversations regarding diversity with our students and staff. Cultural liaisons, deans and student support staff members will be available Wednesday to talk with students who wish to discuss these issues in small groups. Lakeville South High School is committed to ensuring that all students feel welcome and safe in the school.”