Longtime City of Minneapolis custodian honored as he retires
Mohammed Ibrahim speaks after his sendoff party on Thursday. (FOX 9)
MINNEAPOLIS (FOX 9) - A custodian in the City of Minneapolis was given a grand sendoff on Thursday as he retired after 20 years of working in City Hall.
In his time with the city, Mohammed Ibrahim created friendships with many of the city leaders including current police Chief Medaria Arradondo and Mayor Jacob Frey.
Longtime City of Minneapolis custodian honored as he retires
A custodian in the City of Minneapolis was given a grand sendoff on Thursday as he retired after 20 years of working in City Hall.
Thursday afternoon, on Ibrahim's final day on the job, coworkers held a ceremony to mark his career which included him receiving an award from Mayor Frey.
Ibrahim says he's thankful for the appreciation and has plenty to appreciate himself.
"I work my best, I try my best, you know, I don’t have any complaint," he told us. "And I really appreciate the mayor, my department."
In a message, Chief Arradondo spoke highly of his friend Mo, saying: "We wish Mo the very best as he enters the next stages of his life, where he will undoubtedly touch people’s lives as he has ours."