Mall of America increases security ahead of planned Black Lives Matter demonstration

The Mall of America is increasing security ahead of the Black Lives Matter protest planned for 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday. 

Black Lives Matter Minneapolis said they plan to hold a peaceful demonstration in the east rotunda, calling for justice for Jamar Clark, the 24-year-old fatally shot by Minneapolis police officers on Nov. 15. 

The mall posted a sign in the east rotunda that says, "This demonstration is not authorized and is in clear violation of Mall of America policies. All participants must leave Mall of America property immediately, which includes leaving all Mall of America interior roadways and parking ramps. Those who fail to leave the property immediately will be subject to arrests." 

Gov. Mark Dayton said 30 state troopers will be dispatched to the mall to handle crowd control. Mall security guards are also checking bags and other items at the entrances to the mall. 

Several stores on the first floor were also asked to close for several hours during the planned protest. 

Restraining order

A judge issued a "temporary restraining order" for three Black Lives Matter leaders, barring them from protesting at the Mall of America. The judge did not bar all unidentified Black Lives Matter protestors in advance, but the order does not grant anyone permission to protest. 

The Mall of America, considered private property under the law, is legally allowed to bar anyone from protesting on their property.