Medical examiner awaiting final lab results in Floyd case before making cause of death ruling

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s office is awaiting final lab results before making a cause of death determination for George Floyd, who died after he was arrested by Minneapolis police on Memorial Day.

"The Medical Examiner recognizes the public expectation for timely, accurate, and transparent information release, within the confines of Minnesota law," read the statement released Thursday. "However, the autopsy alone cannot answer all questions germane to the cause and manner of death, and must be interpreted in the context of the pertinent investigative information and informed by the results of laboratory studies."

The Medical Examiner is a neutral and independent office and acts separately from law enforcement and  prosecutorial authority, according to Minnesota state law.

Video of the arrest showed an officer pressed his knee into Floyd's neck, while Floyd was handcuffed on the ground. Floyd repeatedly said he couldn't breathe, before he lost consciousness. A report from the fire department said Floyd was "pulseless" in the ambulance. The medical examiner's report states Floyd's time of death at 9:25 p.m. at Hennepin Healthcare.

The four officers involved in the incident were fired. An investigation is underway. No charges have been filed yet in connection to the case.