Minneapolis Public Schools switch to e-learning Monday due to weather, COVID

Minneapolis Public Schools

Minneapolis Public Schools says students will be switching to e-learning for Monday, January 10, due to cold weather forecast and rising COVID-19 cases among bus transportation staff.

All buildings will be closed to the public and evening activities are canceled Monday, the district announced Sunday. MPS says there has been an increase of COVID-19 cases reported within the transportation over the weekend, creating a greater risk for students.

"Temperatures for Monday are projected to be colder than they were last Thursday and Friday," MPS Superintendent Ed Graff stated in the news release. "We were able to make it work last week. But with the increased limitations on our transportation department as a result of COVID-19 infections reported over the weekend, moving forward we decided that bus transportation tomorrow just poses too great a safety risk to our students." 

Students can expect more specific information about their e-learning day from their individual schools and teachers. For families concerned about access to meals, the district shared this resource.

More information on the MPS school closings can be found here.

RELATED: Minneapolis teachers union continues push for online classes as COVID cases rise

Minneapolis Public SchoolsWinter WeatherCOVID-19 Omicron VariantCoronavirus in Minnesota