Minnesota family affected by travel ban arrives at airport
MINNEAPOLIS (KMSP) - A Minnesota family is back together after being delayed in Somalia by President Donald Trump's travel ban. Their story is one of countless families affected by the executive order that’s currently under review by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
“I’m very happy, very excited,” said Kamaal Mohamed, reunited with his family at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. “It's been a long journey.”
Mohamed and his family were greeted at MSP Airport late Wednesday night after an uncertain trip back from Somalia. Mohamed and his two children are U.S. citizens and his wife a lawful permanent resident.
But when she was turned away from their Minnesota-bound flight, Mohamed was told to leave her behind and only take his children. Instead, he stayed in Hargeisa, Somalia for more than a week, eventually seizing the opportunity to re-enter the U.S. while the court consider the constitutionality of the travel ban affecting 7 mostly-Muslim countries.
“It's really hard when you don't know what the future might hold,” Mohamed said. “This happened today, you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow.”
"We're telling them not to leave until we know where this ends,” said Mohamud Noor of the confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota. “Keep resisting. We will not give up and will not give in."
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