Minnesota woman who lost husband to COVID-19 remains hopeful for vaccine | FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

Minnesota woman who lost husband to COVID-19 remains hopeful for vaccine

Kris is hopeful for a COVID-19 vaccine months after her husband died of complications from the virus.

As health officials discuss efforts to find a COVID-19 vaccine, FOX 9 caught up with one Minnesota woman who lost her husband to the virus back in April.

Kris Osojnicki spends much of her time training her dog Allie. Normally, her husband Clark would have been right out there with them.

“It’s so real. It has totally ruined my life," she said. "This is forcing me to navigate a life I had no intention of living, and I would like anybody else to be safe from this."

State health officials discussed vaccination Monday, announcing that the state has begun planning how to implement a program to vaccinate the population.

Many are asking, who goes to the front of the line when a vaccine is ready, knowing there won’t be enough for everyone?

Currently, five vaccine candidates have reached the final stages of research and development in the U.S. The CDC selected Minnesota as one of just four states to join a pilot group in a plan to roll out a potential vaccine.

“We recognize it will be a challenge. We need to vaccinate the entire global population,” said Kris Ehresmann with the Minnesota Department of Health.

“I’m super hopeful anytime I hear anything promising,” Osojnicki said.

Osojnicki, who tested positive for the virus antibodies in the spring, still does not have her stamina back. She said she just wants to see the new disease wiped out before it shatters any more lives.

“I would love for less people to go throught what I’ve gone through.”