Minnesota Zoo welcomes 3 baby snow monkeys for Mother's Day

The Minnesota Zoo announced the birth of three baby snow monkeys who are making their public debuts just in time for Mother's Day.

The infants were born on April 17, April 20, and May 1. Each are staying close to their moms but are beginning to venture out on their own, the zoo said.

"Born to moms Yuki, Shumei, and Yumoto, the genders of the monkeys are not yet known and they are not yet named," the Minnesota Zoo said.

Newborn snow monkeys weigh approximately one pound at birth, but with time and steady diets, they should join the rest of their companions in the 15 to 25 pound range, according to the zoo. Snow monkeys, also called Japanese macaques, originate from Japan and spend their days both in trees and on the ground.

They have a complex system of communication including more than 30 vocal sounds and a wide range of facial and body expressions.