Want to name a Minnesota snowplow? You've got another chance this year

Winter is coming, and so is another round of the Name a Snowplow contest.

Last year, Minnesotans submitted thousands of creative names for MnDOT's snowplows, and voted on the official names for eight plows across the state. Some of the previous winners include Plowy McPlowFace and Ope, Just Gonna Plow Right Past Ya.

Submissions will be accepted through midnight on Dec. 15, 2021.

Submission rules:

  • Submit your ideas now using the form at www.research.net/r/mndotnameasnowplow
  • You may submit up to 3 snowplow name ideas
  • Each submission is limited to no more than 30 characters, including letters and spaces
  • Previous winners will not be considered
  • Politically inspired names (including phrases, slogans, or plays on politicians’ names) will not be considered

After the submission form closes, MnDOT staff will review all submissions and select up to 50 finalists for the public voting round in January 2022. 

MnDOTWinter WeatherUnusualTransportation