First time the Twin Cities has not experienced 90 degrees before July in a decade | FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

First time the Twin Cities has not experienced 90 degrees before July in a decade

Spring milestones in Minnesota. (FOX 9 / FOX 9)

Our summer so far has been a little on the cool side. The wet weather has led to soggy backyards, flooding, and frequent cooler days. Although we have had a few hot and muggy days, we are yet to hit 90 degrees.

The past few years have been hot and featured spring days warming to 90 degrees or above as early as mid-May. The drier drought years often can lead to hotter weather themselves, but the overall pattern of getting into the summer heat early has been a trend for the last few years. This is one reason this summer seems more unusual. The last time we managed to get all the way to July without a 90-degree day was back in 2014 when we didn’t have a 90-degree day until July 6. This is no coincidence as we also had a very wet pattern to start the summer with one of the wettest May and June combos on record.

READ MORE; The latest on flooding in Minnesota — live updates

The first 90-degree days.

The first 90-degree days. (FOX 9 / FOX 9)

But with the high heat not currently in the seven-day forecast, we could easily pass the first week of July without the 90s. If we do that, it would be the first time since 1993. The long-timers around here know that year is often referred to as "the year without summer", as it was one of just four years where the Twin Cities didn't make it to 90 degrees the whole year. 

The latest first 90-degree days in the Twin Cities.

The latest first 90-degree days in the Twin Cities. (FOX 9 / FOX 9)

That cool of a summer is not expected, however, the continued wet weather generally leads to cooler conditions that could linger as long as the rain does. 

I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens moving forward.
