MPCA wants to designate 10 more superfund sites | FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

MPCA wants to designate 10 more superfund sites

Minnesota wants to dump a lot more money into locations dumped with chemicals. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is proposing ten new locations be designated Superfund sites, which allows additional money for testing and clean-up.

The sites have in common contamination caused by industrial chemical solvents, including trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethyene (PCE).

“The health concerns would be if there is migration into buildings or homes, PCE is a carcinogen and has carcinogenic health effects,” Crague Biglow, who oversees Superfund remediation for the MPCA, told Fox 9.

One of the main concerns is “vapor intrusion,” when chemical vapors from contaminated groundwater make their way into homes and buildings. A Superfund declaration would allow additional money for homeowners to install mitigation devices. 

The list of proposed Superfund sites are:

  • Minneapolis — 55th St. and Lyndale Ave. S
  • Minneapolis — Southeast Hennepin Ave. 
  • Minneapolis — Universal Plating Facility
  • St. Paul — Arcade and Hawthorne Site
  • St. Paul — Hospital Linen Site
  • St. Paul — University Ave. and Pascal St. area
  • Bloomington — Lyndale Ave. Corridor
  • Excelsior — Pure Oil Bulk Storage Facility
  • Richfield — West 66th St. and Vincent Ave.
  • Croquet — D’s Fabric Care

The MPCA is seeking public comments regarding the sites; comments can be emailed to Tom Higgins: before June 10.

For specific information on each site, visit: