New Hope ‘name-a-snowplow’ voting underway for new plow names

Winter is behind Minnesota for another season, but the City of New Hope is celebrating the arrival of new snowplows to its fleet by holding a naming contest for them.

Previously, community members submitted more than 50 names that have since been narrowed down to 15 finalists.

Now through May 1, people can vote now on their favorite remaining names here, and the two names that gather the most votes will be featured on the new plows.

According to a press release, the city uses its fleet of five snowplows to maintain nearly 65 miles of roadway during winter weather events.

In January, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) held its fourth annual contest, with the top name submissions that could become new MnDOT snowplow names voted on by Minnesotans.

MnDOT received more than 8,000 snowplow name submissions in December, with staff reviewing the suggestions and selecting 50 finalists for public voting.

Later that month, the winners – such as Taylor Drift and Dolly Plowton – were announced.

Residents of Washington County also joined in on the fun and voted to name county snowplows, Plowabunga and Taylor Drift.

New HopeMnDOT