October Recap: Warm & Wet

To probably nobody’s surprise, October was both above average in temperature and precipitation.  Because of that warmth, the metro did not officially freeze before Halloween for just the 8th time since 1872.  We also continued our wetter than normal streak, beating our average monthly precipitation total by nearly an inch.  Because of all of the water and warmth around, our fall colors sure did last longer than usual… and were later than usual as well, peaking a good 10 days to 2 weeks later than a typical year.  By Halloween, every tree is typically stripped of its leaves and the true brown of the middle fall sets in.  But not this year! We are a few days into November now and there are STILL plenty of leaves on some of the late changing trees.  Enjoy the warmth, because it won’t be too long before old man winter wins out and the temperatures plummet well below freezing.