Orono police: "We are here for you."
Photo: Facebook/Orono Police Department
ORONO, Minn. (KMSP) - The Orono Police Department shared a heartfelt message on their Facebook page ahead of the holidays.
This week many of us will gather for Thanksgiving festivities with family and friends. We will listen to and share stories of the past, you know the "good ole times" as we commonly say. We will give updates on school, work, relationship status and everything in between. Maybe even give the elder statesmen of the family a tutorial on the smart phone and telling them this isn't just a fad, but the rotary phone is. For law enforcement, this starts the season of many calls for people who experience a much different holiday season. We see a dramatic rise in calls for people who are in mental distress. Usually these calls revolve around depression and people finding it hard to cope with the holidays for a number of reasons. We want to let you know if you fall into this category and feel like you don't have anyone to turn to for help....we are here for you. Doesn't matter the time of day, we will respond and help you anyway possible. Everyone needs someone to lean on sometimes and you should not feel embarrased to call. We are thankful for all of our communities' support throughout the year; especially in this contentious time in law enforcement. Our commitment to all of you continues to be unwavered. We are proud to do this job and work for such great communities. May you all have a great Thanksgiving and don't take for granted all you have achieved and have.