'First time I've done beer pong:' Plymouth senior citizens celebrate Spring Break

It’s not unusual to find a group of seniors enjoying spring break. But typically they're in high school or college, not senior citizens living out their golden years.

Trillium Woods Senior Living Community hosted an indoor beach bash for about 75 residents.

"We like to party here," 71-year-old Spring Breaker Wendy Schoeneberger told FOX 9. "I gotta tell you – It's the first time I've done beer pong and I got it in two times so I had some chasers with that."

The staff says they're helping the people who live here celebrate that they no longer have to wear masks and can have group activities after two years of COVID-related restrictions.

"We've missed this kind of stuff over the last couple of years. As we get to a safer spot to do that, it's great to stay active and enjoy each other's company," said Matt Phipps, Trillium Woods Executive Director.

A group of senior citizens are living out their glory years, and throwing a party for Spring Break to celebrate.

The party includes many activities you'd expect during spring break – like cornhole, volleyball and even Jenga.

There's also beer pong, flip cup and jello shots – both with and without alcohol. But these spring breakers are less likely to be extremely intoxicated like the ones you would find in Fort Lauderdale or Daytona Beach.

"It's a little calmer. People are a little more laid back," said 79-year-old Don Deline. "I think people around here know what they are doing. I think they are a little smarter than college students to tell you the truth."

Most of the residents didn't go on Spring Break when they were younger because it wasn't as popular as it is now. They now certainly making up for lost time.

"People don't appreciate older people a lot of times, and we can have more fun than the younger kids actually," said Schoene
