Police: Good Samaritans rescue puppies found abandoned in freezing temps

Good Samaritans rescued two puppies from below freezing temperatures after they were found abandoned in a box in a park near Cloquet, Minnesota Wednesday night.

According to the Cloquet Police Department, the puppies were found in Sather Park in Scanlon. It was 14 degrees at the time. 

Police were notified and the good Samaritans brought the puppies to a nearby veterinary hospital, where they were treated for low body temperatures. The people who found them are currently caring for the puppies. 

Police are investigating the incident and are working to determine who may have left the puppies at the park. 

"We have no suspects at this time and this type of animal cruelty is hard to comprehend but a sad reality we see," police said in a statement. "There is no excuse to discard these helpless puppies who most likely would have had a fatal end if they were not found in time." 

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Cloquet Police Department at 218-879-1247 or email tips@cloquetmn.gov.