Rare all-black wolf captured on trail cam by Voyageurs Wolf Project
Rare all-black wolf caught on trail cam
The Voyageurs Wolf Project shared some stunning video of a rare black wolf caught on one of their trail cameras.
NORTHERN MINNESOTA, Minn. (FOX 9) - The Voyageurs Wolf Project shared some stunning video of a rare black wolf caught on one of their trail cameras.
The wolf is seen by itself and none of the 19 packs the project is currently studying has an all-black member, so they think it is a loner just passing through the area.
The Voyageurs Wolf Project is a research project through the University of Minnesota aimed at furthering an understanding of wolf behavior, specifically how wolves spend their summer. The organization shares its discoveries on social media and near-daily videos and photos from its trail cameras of wolves and other animals that call Minnesota home, amassing a large and loyal group of followers.
To learn more about what the organization does and how you can support it, visit the Voyageurs Wolf Project website here.