Rep. Bahr apologizes for comments made during pro-2nd Amendment rally

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A state representative is trying to clarify comments he made during a pro-2nd Amendment rally this weekend at the Minnesota Capitol.

Rep. Cal Bahr from Bethel has been widely criticized for suggesting that gun control supporters ought to be "kicked to the curb."

At the Minnesota Gun Owners caucus rally, which was streamed live on Facebook, Bahr addressed gun owners opposed to two bills getting a hearing this week in the house.

“There you go, there’s a lot of us in this room that have had enough and we got to start riding hard on the rest of them, the rest of these people that want to take your rights away from you…They will not go quietly in to the good night. They need to be kicked to the curb, stomped on and run over a few times,” he said. 

House Speaker Melissa Hortman called Bahr’s comments “reprehensible and have no place in civilized political discourse.”

Late Monday afternoon, Bahr tried clarifying this remarks to fellow lawmakers on the House floor, insisting that when he said the word “they” he was referring to the two bills and not people.

“The intended focus of the remarks was on two proposed bills that are designed to strip away the God-given rights and constitutionally guaranteed rights of self-protection. My statement was not in any way directed toward people, instead on the legislation that would restrict the rights of Minnesotans.”  

Bahr said he regrets that he was not clearer on Saturday and he does not condone violence.

The two bills before the House Public Safety Committee would impose universal background checks and extreme violence protection orders.

Full statement from Rep. Bahr:

Over the weekend, some concern has arisen regarding a statement I made at a 2nd Amendment rally. Several members of this body, and members of the media, have misunderstood the intent and meaning of my words. In my statement, the meaning of the word “They” referred to two proposed bills, not people.
The intended focus of my remarks was on two proposed bills which are designed to strip away the God-given and Constitutionally-guaranteed rights of self-protection. My statement was not in any way directed towards people. Instead, my comments were focused on the legislation that would restrict the rights of Minnesotans.
I am sorry for the confusion that has taken place, and I regret not being clear in my comments. I do not condone violence. There was no intention of violence in my statement.
As I said at the conclusion of my speech, I urge everyone engaged in this debate to do so peacefully. I have encouraged Minnesota’s 2nd Amendment supporters to participate fully and peacefully in this conversation. I care deeply about the 2nd Amendment just as I care deeply about all of our constitutional rights.
I thank you for your time and encourage anyone to contact me if they’d like to talk further about this issue.