Rochester Towers repairs: Timeline for residents return still unclear

The timeline for residents to return to a Rochester, Minnesota apartment building remains unclear as inspections continue after it was evacuated last week due to structural concerns.

Rochester Towers Condominiums, a 12-story building on 5th Avenue SW in downtown Rochester, has been empty since last Friday after the structural concerns were discovered.

Over the weekend, crews worked to shore up and stabilize the building. That work was finished by Sunday.

As of a Tuesday update from the City of Rochester, crews are continuing to assess the building to "ensure any other potential issues are identified." Those inspections need to be completed before the city says a timeline for return can be given.

The city also adds: "The shoring work done has provided the immediate stability necessary, but it not considered a full long-term fix that the building will require."

The Red Cross of Minnesota opened a temporary shelter at a nearby church for displaced residents but closed Saturday night after no residents showed a need. They say they will remain on standby should anyone need assistance.
