Some schools still struggling as Minnesota students move to online learning

(FOX 9)

For most Minnesota students, this week was the start of long-distance learning after students were sent home last month as part of the coronavirus response.

But, halfway through week one, some school districts are still having technical difficulties with online learning.

Most parents are learning to have a lot of patience and have huge respect for our teachers. The week started off a little rocky for some families but now they're slowly getting the hang of online learning.

"I have got to take this day-by-day because the thought of not knowing when my kids go back to school freaks me out," said mother Amber Linz. "Because the stress level has been a lot higher in the house, the last few days.”

A lot of us are in the same boat as Amber Linz. The Lakeville mom of three -- a fourth grader, second grader, and kindergartner -- is trying her best to keep her children on somewhat of a schedule to continue their distance learning.

"My kids want to fly through the work so they can be done, so they can go outside and play," said Linz. "But I need to set up a schedule like from 9:30 to noon and if you are done early you can go read. You’re not just going to go on electronics or go outside. Just so we can stay focused and get things done right away in the morning."

Technical issues have diminished a little bit since Monday when many families had trouble getting the different apps to load. But some problems still remain.

District 194, which includes Lakeville, and 196, which includes Eagan, Apple Valley, and Rosemount, sent out these newsletters to families asking them to be patient and reach out to teachers to resolve any remaining technical difficulties with completing assignments.

Despite the headaches logging on, parents say teachers have been great with understanding the limitations and trying to answer any questions students have.

"Once you start your routine in the morning and then the internet doesn’t work you don’t want to just say, 'Come back later.' We are already there in the groove so that was already helpful that some teachers had sent us reading assignments that they could do while they worked on getting the internet and apps back up."