Sparkling water can causes crash, Minneapolis agrees on lawsuit settlement | FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

Sparkling water can causes crash, Minneapolis agrees on lawsuit settlement

The officer dropped a can of sparkling water and attempted to pick it up, but when retrieving the can he rear-ended another vehicle.

The City of Minneapolis has settled a lawsuit that was the result of a Minneapolis Police Officer dropping a can of sparkling water, then accidentally rear-ending someone.

According to the lawsuit, Charles Orange v. City of Minneapolis, a police squad car was traveling westbound on Dowling Avenue North when an officer dropped a can of sparkling water and attempted to pick it up. During the act of retrieving the can, the officer rear-ended Orange’s vehicle, in which he was a passenger. The crash caused rear-end damage to the vehicle, and front-end damage to the squad car.

In addition to the vehicle damage, Orange sustained injuries to his neck, as well as, low back and shoulder pain, according to the lawsuit, which was filed to pay for personal injuries.

A settlement of $12,000 was reached with the Minneapolis Police Department and the City Attorney's Office, which released a statement saying the settlement was, "in the best interest of the City," while recommending the approval by its City Council.

Disbanding the Minneapolis Police DepartmentMinneapolis