Stillwater, Washington County brace for St. Croix River flooding

The St. Croix River is still about 10 feet below the flood stage, but as the spring run-off continues, the cities along its banks are not taking any chances

In downtown Stillwater, Minnesota, seven public parking lots along the river have already been closed so they can be used as a staging area for sand bag operations. 

Those who live and work in Stillwater are all too familiar with the threat of flooding, which is why city workers, police and volunteers are expected to begin building a levee to protect the historic downtown from the rising water. 

The Washington County Sheriff’s Office and the Stillwater Fire Department are also working together with the bridge construction crew to address equipment underneath the lift bridge. The sheriff’s office says the work is necessary before water levels rise farther on the river. 

On the opposite side of the river, city officials in Hudson, Wisconsin are also monitoring the flood forecast. They have contacted residents most affected by rising water levels to tell them what the city will provide in their flood preparation efforts.