Union president: Officers actions 'heroic' in shooting at Mpls. City Hall | FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

Union president: Officers actions 'heroic' in shooting at Mpls. City Hall

Police union president Bob Kroll is calling the actions of the Minneapolis police officers who shot a suspect in an interview room at City Hall “heroic,” saying they saved a life, rather than taking one. 

The officer-involved shooting took place Monday night just before 5 p.m. inside Room 108, which is home to the Minneapolis homicide, domestic violence and robbery units. The suspect has been identified as 18-year-old Marcus Fischer of Minneapolis. He was brought in for questioning and, despite a sign saying anyone who enters is subject to search, got through with a knife. 

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said Fischer was left alone in the interview room and began injuring himself with an “edged weapon.” Officers attempted to subdue him and eventually discharged their weapons. 

The interview room has a video recording system. Kroll and two other sources who have seen the surveillance video of the incident, say the suspect confessed to the shooting during his interview. When investigators left him in the interview room, he started stabbing himself in the neck and chest. Officer tried to de-escalate the situation, even using a taser, until they were finally forced to shoot the suspect. 

“This was a classic case of a guy who wanted to take his life,” Kroll told Fox 9. “Officers tried to de-escalate the situation before they had to intervene to save his life.” 

The man was taken to Hennepin County Medical Center, where he is currently in critical condition. 

“Clearly what this suspect wanted was suicide by cop and these cops did everything they could to prevent that,” Kroll said. 

The officers involved have been put on standard administrative leave. The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is investigating the shooting. 

Statement from the BCA

The BCA is in the process of conducting interviews with officers who were either involved in or who witnessed the incident. The BCA will provide additional information about the incident, including the names of the officers who fired their weapons, once those interviews are complete. Several interviews have already taken place. Attorneys representing the remaining officers have indicated they will make their clients available later this week.
This remains an active and ongoing investigation.