Waseca County deputy suffers 3rd-degree burns from power line while responding to deadly crash | FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

Waseca County deputy suffers 3rd-degree burns from power line while responding to deadly crash

A crash in Waseca, Minnesota killed a young girl and injured a 16-year-old boy.

A Waseca County Deputy Sheriff suffered third-degree burns after accidentally stepping on a downed power line while responding to a fatal crash in Waseca, Minn. Wednesday night.

According to Sheriff Brad Milbrath, Deputy Sheriff Josh Langr, a 15-year veteran, was injured after the crash on 128th Street near the intersection of 330th Avenue around 9:30 p.m. Wednesday night.

Upon arrival, deputies found a pickup truck had struck a power pole and rolled. The passenger, identified as 15-year-old Alexus Tiegs, was thrown from the vehicle and died at the scene. The driver, a 16-year-old boy, was transported to the Mankato Hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

After the crash, Langr was walking around the scene when he stepped on the power line. He was provided medical attention at the scene and was airlifted to Hennepin County Medical Center.

“It’s always extremely difficult on our dispatchers, deputies, staff and other responders in dealing with fatalities of any sort, but it’s especially difficult when it involves children,” the sheriff wrote on Facebook.

He added that the incident is made even harder because of Langr’s injury.

“Please keep Deputy Langr and his family in your thoughts and prayers!” he wrote. “Additionally, please keep the family of the young girl killed and others involved in your thoughts and prayers. These are difficult times for all involved.”