NEW YORK - After months of anticipation, April the giraffe has finally given birth!
She welcomed her calf around 10 a.m. Saturday after zookeepers announced through Facebook Live roughly two hours prior that she was in active labor.
Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville, NY had been providing updates to April's condition, and even set up a live stream to let the world bear witness to the birth.
Scroll to the 2:09:37 mark to watch the actual birth:
The park has been preparing for the impending birth since February, consistently updating its Facebook followers along the way. But after weeks of no signs of the calf, the park said its staff and veterinarian, Dr. Tim, may have been wrong about the conception date.
Millions have since tuned in on a regular basis to watch and wait for April to give birth. April's mate, Oliver is in an adjoining stall and can be seen pacing--as any anxious dad would be.
Saturday morning, April's caretakers shared an up-close look at the birth through Facebook Live, showing two of the calf's hooves dangling from her womb.
RELATED: VIDEO: Expecting mother reenacts 'giraffe watch' in hilarious spoof