Wright County bans public use of cannabis

Joining with a number of Minnesota cities, the Wright County Board has issued a ban on the use of cannabis in public spaces.

The ban was approved during the board's meeting on Tuesday night. In a statement, the county cited "secondhand smoke exposure, the normalization of the behavior of using marijuana in public, public impairment and the unintentional consumption of edibles or seltzers containing cannabis by children."

RELATED: Recreational marijuana is now legal in Minnesota: A guide

Violations of the new ordinance would be considered a petty misdemeanor carrying a fine of up to $300.

In recent weeks, after learning the state's law didn't prohibit it, Minnesota cities have rushed to pass their own bans on public use of cannabis.

The Wright County law goes into effect immediately. Residents can still use marijuana in their homes and on private property. Possession of marijuana became legal under state law at the beginning of August.

Wright CountyCannabis