Gophers: 6 Questions with Parker Fox, a diehard Minnesota sports fan

Parker Fox is entering his eighth year of college. While it begs for "Van Wilder" references, there’s nowhere the Mahtomedi native would rather be than wearing maroon and gold for the Gophers.

Fox played his first fully-healthy season last year since transferring to Minnesota from Northern State and suffering two torn ACLs. In 34 games last year and one start, he averaged 5.1 points and 2.9 rebounds per game. The numbers don’t jump off the page, but he’s a glue guy and key piece off the bench.

FOX 9 caught up with Fox and Gophers’ media day, before their exhibition against Bemidji State. He had 14 points and three rebounds in that game in 16 minutes.

What’s it like to be back for your 8th year?

Just exciting. Being from here, being a Minnesota kid growing up with maroon and gold, it was an easy decision. I knew my family wanted me to be here, with Taylor (Heise) and getting a house and being ready for that next step in our lives, it was important for me to be here. It’s just another year that I get to support Gopher athletics.

What’s it like to have the confidence that you’re healthy?

I think it’s huge. The beginning of last year was a slow start for me, getting over two ACL injuries and feeling confident on the court again. The stretch I had at the end of the year, just being able to feel confident and go out there and play deep minutes. A guy like Dawson Garcia, having him back is huge for me, a key reason why I came back.

What’s game day like?

Just thrilled. Any time you get to play this game, come out here to Williams Arena, this what I dreamt of growing up. Every chance you get to do it is pretty special.

What does it mean to you to wear the Minnesota jersey?

It’s everything I’ve dreamt of since I was little. There’s pictures of me as a court kid sweeping up Rodney Williams’ sweat back in the day. Going to hockey games and football games, it’s special. I’m a Gopher player, but I’m a Gopher fan and I want the best for this team. I want it to be more successful than how I found it.

What’s the next step for this team?

Coach Johnson has done a really good job of recruiting character, getting guys that want to be a part oof this Minnesota locker room. The biggest thing for us is coming together. These first few games might not be the prettiest thing in the world, but you don’t need to be pretty in October or November. You need to be pretty in January, February, March.

What was your internship at KFAN like?

I knew I always wanted to be in the sports world. I’m an avid Twins, Vikings, Wild, Timberwolves fan. I don’t miss a game, now this is an awesome opportunity for me to just nerd out and be a sports rube. KFAN is a cool platform to express my opinions and gain that following, build my brand up.

The Gophers host Hamline in their second exhibition on Tuesday, Oct. 29.